Suki Kim is an investigative journalist, a novelist, an essayist and the only writer ever to have lived undercover in North Korea for immersive journalism. Born and raised in South Korea, Kim has traveled to North Korea since 2002, and in 2011, she lived in Pyongyang undercover for six months with the country's future leaders during the final year of Kim Jong-il’s reign; Suki Kim's New York Times bestseller Without You, There Is No Us: Undercover Among the Sons of North Korea’s Elite (Penguin Random House) is an unprecedented literary documentation of the world's most secretive gulag nation. . .
The Feed with Marc Fennel, SBS AUSTRALIA
The Debate, France 24 News, FRANCE
CNN with Ana Cabrera
CNN’s HLN News
The Moth Talk at the Sydney Opera House, AUSTRALIA
CBC Investigators, CANADA
KBS News Line with Baek Seung Ji, SOUTH KOREA
CNN with Christi Paul